This function allows you to upload expenses already approved in your Captio environment. These expenses come via digital channels (email, app, etc.) in PDF format from different suppliers.
Digital expenses are now valid for the Tax Agency, as the process for the digitalisation of paper documents has been approved. Thus, be sure not to upload a PDF file with an image of a non-digital expense; because this PDF will not go through an approval process, it will not be valid.
Upload digital expense in PDF from the app
Upload a digital expense in PDF from the website
You can upload the expense in PDF format via the mobile application by accessing the Upload Expense in PDF section from the app’s menu, as shown in the following image:
Before opening the file explorer, you will get a warning stating that you can only upload PDF files of digital expenses.
Once you have uploaded the PDF file, it will go through the same data reading process as a conventional expense.
And once the file has been read it will appear in Read Expenses with a green check. At this point you can already handle it as a common expense; for example, adding it to a report.
From the app you can also upload the expense directly by selecting it from your mobile and looking for the option to share, as you see in the image:
Digital expenses in PDF format can also be uploaded via the Captio website, through the Expenses section, by clicking on "Import digital expense":
You can then upload the expense file in PDF format that you have hosted on your system, though remember that it cannot be larger than 4MB.
When you have uploaded the expense you will get a message with a green check confirming the file's proper uploading:
If the file is larger than 4MB you will not be allowed to upload it, and a message will appear to this effect:
While the expense is being uploaded you will be able to find it in the Capture section. with In Progress status.
Once you have read correctly and filled in the mandatory fields (category, payment method, etc.) you can find it along with the other expenses in the Tickets section:
At this point you can already handle it as a common expense; for example, adding it to a report.