Advances are used to manage cash and advance payments assigned to an employee to spend on a business trip. There are two sections related to advances in Captio's admin user part: the configuration of their features and their workflow.
In this article, you'll find information about the following topics:
Configuration of advances
To set up advances, go to Settings> Advances. Let's see what parameters you can configure in requests for advances:
- Autogenerated name: allows for the definition of some codes so that the name of the advance is generated automatically, depending on the configuration. The configuration codes can be combined with each other by placing one next to the other in a row. All the code in red must be copied, without modifying it (except in the cases that are specified).
- The codes available are the following:
{user:name} => Name>
{user:email} => Email>
{user:userCode} => OptionsUsers.UserCode
{user:costCentre} => OptionsUsers.CostCenter
{user:companyCode} => CompanyCode>
{today|yyyyMMdd} => current date in the format yyyyMMdd.
* The format can be customized; more info at
{AdvanceCounter|#} => Auto-incrementing counter by company>
{AdvanceCounterAnnual|#} => Auto-incrementing counter by company and year>
{AdvanceCounterForUser|#} => Auto incrementing counter by user>
{AdvanceCounterForUserAnnual|#} => Auto-incrementing counter by user and year>
* "#" corresponds to the field's number of characters, adding leading zeros if necessary.
- Allow reviewers to edit the reference: the ticked checkbox will allow reviewers to modify the name of the advance.
- Settlement days: establish a period of days after which the person will be notified that the advance has not been paid back.
- Settlement email alert: add the email address of the person you want us to notify that the advance has not been paid back.
- Minimum control amount: if you indicate a figure in this field, all the requests for advances that are the same or less will be approved automatically, avoiding the intermediate workflow phases.
- Maximum amount permitted: No advance for an amount greater than what you establish in this field can be requested.
- The number of receipt copies: You can configure how many copies of the settlement receipt you want to print.
- Base currency: that is, the currency of the advance.
- Currency exchange values table: You can manually set the currency exchanges that will affect advances, or check the next box.
- Automatic update: we will update the currency values automatically in accord with information from the European Central Bank, with whatever periodicity is preferred.
Once you have set up the advances, you will have to add the users who need it through the approval flows.
Creation of advance workflows
When you have configured the above parameters, it is time to create workflows.
The creation of an advance workflow resembles that of a report approval workflow. Take a look at this article if you need more details. To create a new advance workflow:
- Click on "New"
- Add a name
- Select type> Advances in the drop-down menu.
Then you can add all the necessary stages, users and fields involved in the same way you would do for a report workflow, and finish by clicking on the Save button.
Once you have defined the workflow for advances, the process will start each time a user reporting expenses included in it requests one. Your request will go through the defined stages until it is approved or rejected. If it is approved, the advance will be associated with the next expense report that the reporting user generates.
From the administrator, you can also see the advances that are managed at the company and their statuses, in addition to the elimination of an advance requested still pending approval.
If you would like information on how advances are approved, see this article.