
Digital signature (without certificate)

What is it?

The basic objective of this functionality is to offer a signature system from the mobile device that can be added to the desired workflow. This signature is not a signature with an electronic certificate, it will be a "scribble" on the screen that will be saved as an image and added to the report to be signed.


Only reporting users can be requested to sign, not reviewers. Only at the time of submitting a report.


How does it work?

This functionality allows you to configure a required signature logic in reports based on two variables.

1st variable: Type of expense

expenses with catch
manual expenses
mileage expenses
Digital expenses (pdf)
Per Diem Diet Expenses

2nd variable: Workflow (you can select the one you want from those already created)


When both variables are positive in a report, it will be necessary to sign it in order to send it for approval.


How is it configured?

The requirement to sign a report by the applicant can be defined by the administrator in a new section in the reports subtab.
Those admins of environments that have this functionality activated (AppSignature) will see this section and will be able to define which characteristics will cause a workflow to be signed and to which users, workflows, categories and payment methods it applies.

The section is called "Signature Requirement to Request Report Approval."



The user will see the request to sign the report in their app or website at the time of submission.


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