The reconciliation process is necessary when an expense reporter user generates a new expense report, including tickets/expenses paid with a company card, Emburse cards, etc. in this report.
The automatic reconciliation process is only carried out when a movement and an expense are found that have exactly the same information (date, amount and currency). In case there are differences, for security reasons, a manual reconciliation will have to be carried out.
Movements are loaded once a day (based on the shipment by the bank) except for Emburse Cards which are loaded in real time.
APP reconciliation
WEB reconciliation
APP reconciliation
What happens with the expenses made with a card linked to the company account?
These transactions could not be reconciled automatically and need to be reconciled manually.
In the expenses section of the app, you will see the bank transactions (card payments) represented with a card icon and in yellow: Add receipt.
Expenses made with reconcilable payment methods (this is defined by the administrator, they are normally company cards) will appear in your Captio account as a transaction that must be reconciled.
By clicking on the transaction you will see the amount, date and provider information.
To reconcile expenses with bank transactions that have not been reconciled automatically, you can do one of two ways.
1. Create it from the movement / bank transaction
2. Collect an expense/ticket captured from the bank transaction
3: Collect a ticket captured from the bank transaction.
1. Create it from the movement / bank transaction
If you choose the first option and click on the transaction, you can reconcile the expense by clicking on the camera icon and capturing the expense. Or you can upload an expense in pdf. These are the expenses that you receive digitally, normally in your email.
In the transaction that you want to delete the photo, you can delete it from the trash can button and upload a new one:
You will also be able to select the category of the transaction and fill in other information requested by your organization.
At this time you can save the expense.
2. Collect an expense/ticket captured from the bank transaction
In the transaction that you have already created the expense, you can join it with the automatically created transaction.
To do this you must access the transaction and click on the Join button. And then select the expenses that you already have created.
3: Joining an expense/ticket captured from the bank transaction
In case you have already created/captured the expense, you can join it with the automatically created transaction.
To do this you must access the transaction and click on the Join button. And then select the expense you have already created.
You can also select the category of the transaction and fill in other information requested by your organization.
At this point you can save the expense.
4: reconciliation from the expense ticket.
You can also reconcile an expense from the expense ticket itself and associate it with a transaction. To do this you must capture the ticket and once inside click on Merge, as shown in the image below and look for the relevant transaction.
The merge option will only be shown if the payment method of the ticket is reconcilable and if there is any pending transaction to reconcile.
WEB reconciliation
In the movements/transactions section, you will see your movements and those of other users if you have permissions, and the form of payment in which they have been made (card, emburse card, etc.)
On the reconciliation screen where you will see:
- The user to whom the movement belongs.
- The date.
- The provider.
- The payment method
- card number
- The report to which it belongs
- The amount of the payment in the original currency.
- The amount of the payment in the environment's currency.
- The status ”Reconciled” or “Unreconciled.
In this section the tickets paid with a company card will be shown, and for each ticket it will be indicated, through the Reconciled/Reconciled column, if the ticket is reconciled or not.
If the ticket has the A icon in the Reconciled/Reconciled column, it means that it has been reconciled automatically, whereas if the M icon appears, it means that it has been reconciled manually. If nothing appears, it is because you are waiting to reconcile manually.
In this last column you can execute some additional tasks that will depend on the modules you have contracted:
If the expense is not reconciled, you can create an advance (in case you have a cash withdrawal with a company card, for example) or hide it.
If the expense is reconciled, you will be able to see the related ticket (expense).
You can only create advances from the movements of non-refundable forms of payment.
Important note: The automatic reconciliation process is only carried out when a movement and an expense are found that have exactly the same information (date, amount). In case there are differences, for security reasons, a manual reconciliation will have to be carried out.
How to reconcile manually on the web:
These cases will be marked as pending reconciliations, which must be carried out by either the user who has reported the expense or their supervisor from the reports section. Manually reconciled expenses will be marked in the corresponding reports, where the supervisor can confirm that it is a correct reconciliation.
NOTE: If the system finds several candidate payments to reconcile automatically with the same ticket, it will not be reconciled automatically to avoid errors.
When selecting the Reconciliation Manager/Reconciliation editor, a pop-up screen will be displayed that allows you to manually reconcile all those tickets that appear as pending reconciliation in Captio for the report in question.
This screen pop is organized into two panels:
In the left panel of Non-reimbursable expenses / Non-reimbursable expenses, the captured tickets are shown. The upper part shows the tickets pending reconciliation, while the lower part shows those tickets that have already been reconciled, either manually or automatically.
In the right panel of Reconciled payments and unreconciled payments / Reconciled and Unreconciled payments, the movements uploaded in Captio are shown. At the top you will see the payments reconciled with the ticket that is selected on the left. At the bottom, Captio proposes the candidate payments to be reconciled, ordered according to the most likely to be the correct movement.
You must select an unreconciled expense at the top of the left panel and then the unreconciled transactions will be displayed at the bottom of the right panel of Unreconciled payments, sorted according to their most likely to be the correct transaction. Once this is selected, you will be able to reconcile the expense using the Reconcile/Reconcile option indicated to the right of the amount.
After manual reconciliation, the ticket appears in the Reconciled receipts/Reconciled receipts section and the corresponding payment appears in the Reconciled payments/Reconciled payments.
When all the payments are already reconciled with their corresponding ticket, you can save the changes with the green Reconcile/Reconcile button, the reconciliation manager will close and the report will automatically recalculate the values of the tickets and the report based on bank payments.
NOTE: the value of the bank movement prevails over the value of the ticket