
[Web] Reconciliation Module

The reconciliation of Captio card payments is used to automate the process of matching a payment on a company card with an expense included in a report by a Captio user.

From the Conciliation tab, the Captio admin user can load transactions from the company’s cards.Once loaded into Captio, these transactions are automatically reconciled with the expenses reported by users (reported receipts) that have been paid for using a company card.

Captio performs the automatic reconciliation taking into account several factors:

  • Expense: focuses on the user reporting expenses, the payment method, date and amount.
  • Payment: the cardholder, date and amount are verified.

The automatic reconciliation process is only performed when there is a transaction and an expense that have exactly the same information (supplier, date, amount). In the event of differences, in the interests of security, proceed with a manual reconciliation. These cases are marked as pending reconciliations, which must be carried out by the user who reported the expense or their supervisor in the report section. 

Expenses reconciled manually will be marked in the reports, where the supervisor can confirm that the reconciliation is correct.


Load card transactions in Captio

 Once the file is loaded, the transactions contained in the file will be displayed on the reconciliation screen along with their status after the automatic reconciliation linked to the loading of transactions in Captio.

Through this screen you can check the status of the transactions (“Reconciled”, “Unreconciled”), and the user to whom every transaction belongs and even download this information in Excel using the button that appears at the top right.


  • In the case of reconciled transactions, we can also see the image captured by the user. 
  • In the case of unreconciled transactions, they will remain in this status until such expense is captured by the user. The administrator can also hide transactions if they are aware that the receipt being referenced will no longer be captured (thus keeping a list of actually outstanding transactions).


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