
2. Users Management

In this article, we'll show you: 

Types of Captio Users

In the "Users" section you will find all the information related to what is really important: the people you work with. First of all, we would like to remind you what types of users there are at Captio, and what roles they play.

  • Administrator Role

The person who configures and manages the Captio environment. Also, in simple environments in which where there are no approval flows, this will be the person in charge of approving the reports and requests by the rest of the users.

  • Supervisor Role

This person, in addition to being able to occupy the role of a reporter, receives the expense reports sent by his team and decides whether to approve or reject them.

Tasks of this role

- Checks expenses, their notes, and supporting documents

-Approves or rejects reports and, therefore, the reimbursement of expenses.

How does the process work?

- For someone in the supervisor role, the person charged with managing the environment must add him or her at some stage of an approval flow, whether to approve reports, advances, or trips.

- Each time an approval stage is activated, the supervisor receives an alert (via email or app) notifying him that there are pending supervision tasks.

- The item in question is accessed; the main features related to supervision are in the sections: -"Reports / Advances / Trips Pending Review" and "Reports / Advances / Trips Reviewed"

If you like, you can read more about how to approve reports, how to approve advances, and how to approve trips, on the website.


  • Reporter Role

People with a reporting role are those who usually do their work outside the office and generate expenses. These expenses must be submitted to the company for payment.

Tasks that he can perform:

- Capture expenses and generate expense reports to file and collect on them, either through the website or the app

- Request advances

- Request trips




How to add new users

To add a new user, click on "Create User" to open the wizard in a pop-up window. The wizard consists of several tabs to configure the characteristics of each user and their relationship to the management of corporate expenses.

Basic options when adding users


Here you have to add all the data related to identification of the user.

  • Login: Essential and unique email address that serves to identify the person within Captio; it is a mandatory field.
  • Password: Must contain at least 8 characters (without spaces), including a number and a letter; it is a mandatory field.
  • Name: If you like, add the first and last name to make it easier to recognize that person.
  • Activated user: This option allows one to activate or deactivate a user's access to Captio without deleting him, so that all the information related to his expenses is accessible, without allowing him to enter the application again: it is a mandatory field.
  • Type of bank account: depending on the type of account selected, the necessary fields can be added.
  • Cost Centre: You can specify a cost centre associated with the user, to facilitate accounting.
  • User code: You can also establish a user code to facilitate the reading of reports.
  • Company code: If you work in a multi-company environment you can specify the user's company code. 

Advanced options when adding users


Once you have identified the user, it is time to assign specific characteristics to his expenses:

  • Mileage: Here you can assign a default mileage (km) rate for this user; the category and method of payment will draw upon the data previously established during the mileage rate configuration. If you have not yet done so, or want to modify the rate for a specific user, you can define it at this time. If not defined, the reporting user may select them when entering mileage numbers.
  • Currency: An essential step in the creation of users is to assign them a default currency, since the type of currency of the captured expenses is not automatically detected, but rather is added by the user. If a user normally reports his expenses in dollars, you can link him to this currency, so that it appears by default. The user can change and return the currency at any time (for example, in the case of a trip).
  • Edit receipt with image: As we saw in Configuration> Ticket editing, if you check this option the user will be able to edit the data from the expenses read by Captio (provider, date and amount).
  • Permission to view all reports: If you check this option, the user can see ALL the reports from all users in the environment (only see, not edit) This can be useful, for example, for Human Resources managers or controllers.

Payment method identifiers

In this section, you can add the form of payment identifiers, which will be used to carry out bank reconciliation.

In order to comply with the RGPD's (data protection) requirements, all bank cards introduced in our system must be masked. Henceforth, when you add new cards as an identifier for bank reconciliation, you will see that we store them masked.

In the form of payment identifier section (for bank reconciliation), you can choose between Credit Card or Other Methods (such as user code, registration number.). If you choose "card", enter the number, select the type of payment method, and click on "Add". At first, you will be able to see the complete number, so you can confirm that everything is correct. If it is, click on the "Save" button.

If you access the "Advanced User Options" screen again, you will see that the numbering has been masked.


Workflow options when adding users.


This is one of the most important parts in the management of company expenses: workflows or approval flows. As you know, in Captio you can define different stages of supervision so that reports and special requests (advances and trips) are approved in an expedited manner.

From this tab, you can assign a user one or several approvals flows for their reports and if you have activated it in your plan, advances and trips.

If the same user has several approvals flows, one can be chosen "By default" by selecting it from the drop-down; but, keep in mind that when sending the report for approval, the user will be able to change it.

Remember that in order to be able to carry out this configuration, you will have had to previously define the workflows.

Important! The process of creating a user will end when the Save button is clicked. 


How to edit existing users

Once you have created and saved a user, he will appear on the general panel. You can change your settings whenever you want by clicking on the "Edit" link that you will see on the right.

How to disable or delete a user

First of all, it is important to distinguish between deactivating and eliminating:

  • If you deactivate a user, the person in question will not be able to enter Captio until he is activated again; in the meantime, his information and expenses will be available for you to view.
  • If you delete a user, access to the platform will be permanently blocked and he will be deleted from it, but his reports will be available.

To deactivate a user, you will have to uncheck the "Activated User" option that you find in the Basic Information tab of the user creation wizard.

You can delete a user with the Delete button, which you will find at the bottom of the user creation wizard. 


Advanced features: User groups

User groups allow you to maintain consistency across environments with many users, as they make it possible to assign categories and payment methods in a homogeneous way for all their members, and to make changes to all the users of a group at the same time.

Add a new user group


To create a new user group, go to the second tab within the Users section: Groups.

1. Clicking on "Create Group" will open the wizard.

2. Add an appropriate name for the user group. Let's say, for example, that we want to create a "Levante" division for our Sales team.

3. Search and add the users you want to the group. You can use as filters some of the data items you used when registering users (company code, user code, cost centre, email or name). In the column on the right you will find all the users that match your filters. To add them to the group, click on the + symbol and they will move to the column on the left. If you make a mistake, click - to remove him from the group.


4. Access the second tab of the wizard, "Categories", to assign the categories that will be available for this user group. The process is the same as that for adding users (add using + and remove using -).

5. You can also assign them payment methods. For this, go to the last tab of the wizard and add (+) or remove (-) the payment methods you wish to change. When you finish, click on "Save".


Important: The same user can belong to several groups, and can be assigned a group as his main one. This will define the user's basic characteristics. The rest will be determined by the combination of the other groups' attributes. You can define each user's main group in the Edit User section.

Once you have created user groups you will be able to assign your new additions to their corresponding groups directly from the user creation wizard, in the fourth upper tab: "Groups".


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The permissions are used to grant reporter or administrator permissions to the users that we consider.

In the following image we see all types of permissions. Clicking on them activates them for the user we are editing.



Advanced features: “delegation” of users


Delegation is used to allow Captio users to temporarily perform the tasks normally corresponding to others. It is a very useful option if you want to transfer the use of Captio to an assistant, for example.

To access all the features related to delegation, click on the third tab of the "Users" section

General overview


Using the first two boxes, the administrator can activate the option for users to manage their own delegations, and also activate the total delegation of permission.  If the administrator allows users to create delegations, he will receive an email summarising the changes to the delegations made by users.

With partial delegation, the user receiving the permissions will be able to capture expenses and settle expenses on behalf of the delegating user. With total delegation, the receiving user can perform, on behalf of the delegating user, any action that he or she was authorised to.

The list on the Delegation screen shows the users that currently have permission to access Captio and act on behalf of other people and the number of users for whom they have delegation permits.


In case you want to delegate users from another environment (another office in another country, for example), these users will appear in the same list but with the specification of the environment in which they are located.



To totally stop a user from acting on behalf of other users, you can delete all the delegations related to him by using the Delete button.


Any action that is performed by a user delegated to will be saved in the record actions log with the name of the user in question.


Add a new “delegation”


To create a new delegation, click on the Add Delegation button to open the wizard. Just follow these steps:

  1. Start typing the name of the user who can act on another's behalf.
  2. Select the users on whose behalf one can act by checking the corresponding boxes.
  3. Select the type of delegation to be carried out.
  4. Save the configuration, and that's it!

Once this configuration has been completed, the user in question will be able to access the accounts of those users for whom he has delegation permits.

Access in Delegation mode

The user will enter Captio as usual, using his own username and password. To work on behalf of another user, he goes to the user menu (upper right corner) and selects the Access Another Account option.


In a drop-down, he will be shown all the users to whom he has access. Once he selects the users he wants, he may begin to act on their behalf.


When the work is finished, it is not necessary to log out. All you have to do is go to the drop-down menu in the upper right corner.

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